What We Do
- Information Sharing
- External Engagement
- Policy
- INGO-NNGO networking
- Security Updates
To reach their maximum collective potential, the efforts of the diverse range of NGOs that are operational in South Sudan must be effectively coordinated. With regard to effective humanitarian response, the importance of coordinated action is explicitly recognised in the Humanitarian Reform agenda. The NGO Secretariat plays a functional facilitative role in strengthening NGO access to critical information for programmatic, operational and strategic decision-making; supporting networking between NGOs; and encouraging the development of common positions to enhance overall NGO operational engagement in the country.
The NGO Forum represents the interests of its members in external meetings, work discussions and documents, and act on issues of member interest.
The NGO Forum works to develop papers and prioritise areas that represent the interests of the Forum members.
NNGO Coordination
The National NGO office coordinates the efforts of the National NGO members of the South Sudan NGO Forum by consolidating and disseminating information products that appeal to the National NGO priorities, arranging regular and ad hoc meetings, briefings and workshops around issues of interest to the National NGO members as well as harvesting issues of common concern to the National NGO members and generating advocacy products such as position papers, advisory notes etc. The National NGO office also provides information and advice to international NGOs who work with National NGOs, helps in linking National NGOs with opportunities in funding, training, networking and partnerships and facilitates the work of the National NGO Steering Committee, including ensuring regular meetings are held and minuted and the National NGO member’s interests are represented at appropriate forums.
The National NGO office additionally helps in ensuring that appropriate, productive and complementary links are created between the NGO Forum and other civil society for a/coalitions/networks within South Sudan and in other countries for the purpose of encouraging collaboration, learning and enhancing joint advocacy efforts.
State-level Coordination
The National NGO state coordination initiative aims at enhancing the information sharing system among NNGOs across the 10 states of South Sudan by improving already existing coordination systems or providing support in establishing new mechanisms for information sharing where there is none, this has been done through facilitation of coordination, leadership and communication trainings and setting up processes for follow up support for the state coordination leadership teams.
The goal of this initiative is to ensure that there is a sustainable effective functioning coordination system in each state of South Sudan with a clear leadership transitioning system, Information sharing system, data base management and information management. This will enhance state institutional memory and coordinate collective efforts of National organizations across the ten states of south Sudan.
National NGO Capacity Development Working Group
The National NGO Capacity development Working Group has for a long time existed as a space to encourage dialogue among both national and international NGOs on best and practical ideas on enhancing the capacity of national NGOs in South Sudan, however the conflicting expectations from the National and International NGOs affected participation in the working group therefore the Working group has been remodeled into a National NGO mentorship/peer support space. The goal of this change is to address the core institutional capacity needs of the National NGOs through encouraging peer learning and peer support where stronger and better established National NGOs can mentor smaller and upcoming National NGOs by sharing their acquired knowledge, tools and practices with them on a one on one basis and build a culture of collaboration and peer support as well as institute a sustainable approach to institutional capacity building among National NGOs.
National NGO Monthly Trainings
Through a mutually beneficial partnership with private capacity building firms in South Sudan, the National NGO office introduced the National NGO monthly trainings in 2014 as one of the sustainable ways of developing National NGO institutional capacity. The private capacity building firms provide trainings to the National NGO staff on particular topics of need facilitated by the NGO secretariat and in return get advertising space on the South Sudan NGO Forum website. This partnership helps keep the cost of providing much needed trainings low and delivers benefits to the National NGO staff and the private capacity building firms.
- Samahi Research - Samahi Research, incorporated under South Sudan Companies law in October 2008, is a South Sudanese research firm with regional and international networks and a team that is comprised of a network of research associates from South Sudan, Africa and across the globe. www.samahi.com They will be conducting trainings in Program Management and Framework every last Tuesday of the month at DDG/DRC
- Participatory Development Centre PDC - Participatory Development Centre (PDC) is a professional Community Development Training, Research and Consultancy organization. PDC was founded by a team of development professionals with the main purpose for enabling the realization of quality and participatory development for Governmental Agencies, International & local Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Community Based organizations (CBOs), Faith Based Organizations (FBOs), Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Private Sector. www.pdcentre.org PDC will be conducting trainings in 2 topics, Governance & leadership AND Financial Management on 5th of every month at DDG/DRC
- Small and Medium Enterprenuership Capacity Building South Sudan SMECOSS - Small and Medium Enterprenuership Capacity Building South Sudan SMECOSSSMECOSS is a duly registered limited company under the Companies act of South Sudan laws. Our specialty: Marketing, Capacity Building, Education & Training. www.smecoss.com SMECOSS will be conducting trainings from the 2nd week of November in Human Resource Management and Sustainability AND Communications
- Multi Media Skills and Health Consults MSHC - Specialising in; Program sustainability; Financial sustainability; Organizational sustainability; Institutional sustainability; and Resource base sustainability. www.mshc-southsudan.org
The Security Office of the NGO Forum routinely and regularly: provides members with various written information products; conducts information, coordination and assistance meetings, briefings and workshops; maintains security liaison with, and is the primary security point of contact for, other non-NGO groups and individuals; promotes best security practices; facilitates security training and education opportunities; and assists and advises on member preparedness and security incidents/crisis management if appropriate. The office does not, however, provide security management or an operational presence in any form.