The NGO Forum is a voluntary, independent networking body of currently 271 national and 116 international NGOs that supports its members to effectively respond to the humanitarian and development needs in South Sudan. All member organisations provide assistance to the South Sudanese people regardless of ethnic background, political affiliation, or religious belief.

NGO Forum Mission

Effectively support members in the principled delivery of aid assistance to save lives and improve lives in South Sudan

NGO Forum Approach

The NGO Forum provides a platform through which NGOs, the Government of South Sudan, the UN, donors, and other external stakeholders can exchange information, share expertise and establish guidelines for a more networked, efficient and effective use of aid resources in South Sudan. The Secretariat primarily focuses on information sharing, networking and capacity enhancement, representation and communication around safety and wellbeing.

NGO Forum

The NGO Forum was established in Nairobi in the early 1990’s as a coordination mechanism for NGOs under OLS. After the signing of the CPA in 2005, many organisations relocated South Sudan offices from Nairobi to Juba in 2006, and the NGO Forum began to meet monthly growing to include a wider number of INGOs and NNGOs. The Forum was created to discuss issues around programming, humanitarian financing, delivery of humanitarian aid, and access. It was established as a voluntary body that operated by a Terms of Reference with an annually elected Steering Committee (SC) of twenty NGOs; (10 INGO and 10 NNGO seats). The NGO Forum has either observer or full member status on the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), the Security Management Team (SMT), and all pooled funding Steering Committees.

In mid-2008 a Secretariat was established to facilitate the work of the Forum and Steering Committee. The Secretariat was funded by DFID, later ECHO and has been funded by SIDA and SDC to support coordination, information-sharing and messaging for all NGOs in South Sudan. The Secretariat provides external stakeholders a first point of contact for inquiries on NGO activity. The NGO Secretariat is hosted by Tearfund South Sudan, while the National and International NGO Steering Committee provide oversight to the operations of the Secretariat and Forum. Every Steering Committee comprises 10 elected members.

The Secretariat is comprises of a technical team and support staff headed by the Director.

The Secretariat Office is located at Tearfund South Sudan Programme Offices Hai Jerusalem,ECSS Compound P.O Bx 94, Opp. Juba Teaching Hospital, Juba, South Sudan

NGO Forum Structure

The Forum consists of two main constituencies (national NGOs and international NGOs) served by served by a joint Steering Committee of INGO and NNGO members coordinated by the NGO Secretariat. While there is a dedicated National NGO Focal Point in the NGO Secretariat all positions serve both the National and International NGO Groups. The work of the NGO Forum is detailed in the Statutes of Operations.

South Sudan NGO FORUM Structure